Algebra 1 3-8 Independent Practice: Unions and Intersections of Sets

By Matt Richardson
Last updated almost 3 years ago
11 Questions

Vocabulary: Suppose A and B are nonempty sets. Which contains more elements: AB or AB ? Explain your reasoning.
You may use the canvas to help illustrate your response.

Compare and Contrast: How are unions and intersections of sets different?
You may use the canvas to help illustrate your response.

True or False: If x is an element of set A and x is not an element of set B, then x is an element of AB.

True or False: If x is an element of set A and x is an element of set B, then x is an element of AB.

Complete the Venn diagram using sets A and B. A = {1, 3, 5, 7, 9} B = {2, 3, 4, 5}

Reflection: Math Success