Worldy Wise 3000 Book 5 Lesson #16 Test

By Katie Crawford
Last updated almost 5 years ago
31 Questions

Find a SYNONYM for each bold word:
The shortage of bread caused public riots.


Find a SYNONYM for each bold word:
War was proclaimed in 1941.


Find a SYNONYM for each bold word:
Erik pardoned his sister for her lateness.


Find a SYNONYM for each bold word:
All our kin will be at the picnic.


Find a SYNONYM for each bold word:
The movers hoisted the piano to the second floor.


Find a SYNONYM for each bold word:
Justin dominated every conversation.


Find a SYNONYM for each bold word:
Dermoti intercepted his sister's letter.


Find a ANTONYM for each bold word:
Ms. Yee is the former board president.


Find a ANTONYM for each bold word:
Stacia's remarks provoked her brother.


Find a ANTONYM for each bold word:
William assumes that Kayla will help him with his homework.


Find a ANTONYM for each bold word:
Of trains and airplanes, I prefer riding in the former.


Choose the best way to complete each sentence or answer each question:
Which of the following reigns?


Choose the best way to complete each sentence or answer each question:
A dragon was the guardian of the cave.  The dragon


Choose the best way to complete each sentence or answer each question:
Fiona received a pardon from the president even though


Choose the best way to complete each sentence or answer each question:
Jackson Pollock's paintings are a riot of color and shapes.  His paintings are probably


Choose the best way to complete each sentence or answer each question:
At the awards ceremony, the boys assumed the manners of fine gentlemen.  This means that they


Choose the best way to complete each sentence or answer each question:
Ty's next of kin is likely to be


Choose the best way to complete each sentence or answer each question:
A guardian is someone who


Choose the best way to complete each sentence or answer each question:
A hoist is used to


Choose the best way to complete each sentence or answer each question:
The article provoked a lively discussion on the Middle East. This means that


Choose the best way to complete each sentence or answer each question:
A jubilee celebration is most likely to take place


Choose the best way to complete each sentence or answer each question:
Sunni Ali Ber reigned over his small kingdom in Western Africa for twenty-eight years. For twenty-eight years, Sunni Ali Ber


Choose the best way to complete each sentence or answer each question:
The Australian desert is dominated by snakes and lizards.  This means that


Choose the best way to complete each sentence or answer each question:
To abdicate the presidency is to


Choose the best way to complete each sentence or answer each question:
Someone who is kin to you is


Choose the best way to complete each sentence or answer each question:
Because the president had pardoned him, the prisoner


Choose the best way to complete each sentence or answer each question:
When Jason assumed the role of secretary, he


Choose the best way to complete each sentence or answer each question:
If a film has a provocative ending, the ending


Choose the best way to complete each sentence or answer each question:
When taxes were raised, the people riotedRioted means


Choose the best way to complete each sentence or answer each question:
High spirits reign during the annual carnival.  Reign means


Choose the best way to complete each sentence or answer each question:
Brandon bungled the job and had to do it again.  This means that he