The Creation of Israel and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

By Amy C Gilstrap
Last updated over 3 years ago
38 Questions

How many colonies did Britain lose before the 1920s?

How many colonies did Britain lose in the 1920s and 1930s?

How many colonies did Britain lose in the 1940s and 1950s?

How many colonies did Britain lose in the 1960s and 1970s?

How many colonies did Britain lose after the 1970s?

Consider the discussion on world events that we had as we looked at the pattern of independence for British colonies. Match the years to the correct historical context (what was going on during this time to influence independence).

Great Depression, English government trying to implement socialist reforms in order to avoid communism
WW2 and the fight for independence in countries that had participated on the side of the Allies during the war
Cold War ideology influenced leaders in colonized areas to fight for independence
International pressure and costs of keeping colonies/vs the benefits of the colonies helped win independence for smaller states

Who controlled Palestine before the British?

Which countries were given control of Middle Eastern land after WWI?

Find a picture of Jewish immigrants in Israel during the 1920s and 1930s.

Accorcing to the map, which group owned the most land in Palestine in 1950?

Why do you think the Arabs worked with the Nazis during WWII?

Let's talk about legal migration.... International law says that you have to have a passport and documentation of where you are from in order to go from one country to another.
After WWII, many Jews found themselves with no legal paperwork. Even before WWII, few countries would accept Jewish immigrants.
Why do you think Jewish people took the chance and went to Palestine?

What is a terrorist attack?

green Area

Does this seem like a good plan to you? Why or why not?

Which group rejected the idea of a 2-state system?

How long did it take for Arab nations to attack the newly formed state of Israel?

Show a picture of Palestinian refugee camps after the First-Arab Israeli War.

Look at the modern map of refugee camps. Why do you think neighboring countries do not want Palestinians to be part of their countries?

What causes the rise of gangs and militias (in your opinion)?

Find a picture and a quote from Yasser Arafat

Historically, what do countries do with land they have conquered?

Should Israel have built villages on conquered Palestinian land? Why or why not?

Why do you think other Arab/Muslim nations joined in the Six Day War?

What can the Israeli vicotories tell us about Israel's military?

Why do you think the Arab states (and PLO) chose October 6th as the day to start the 1973 War?

Find a news article/headline showing PLO attacks in the 1970s and 1980s.

Find a news article/headline showing PLO hostage situations..

Do you think hostage taking is an effective strategy? Why or why not?

Billions of dollars in aid goes to refugee camps in Palestine and in other locations every year. Some of this money comes directly from the US, other funds come from the United nations or other organizations/private donors.

If so much money is being sent to help refugees, why do you think conditions haven't improved?

PLO leaders (and other terrorist groups) often blame Jewish people for the suffering of the Palestinians. Who else blamed Jews for the misfortunes of their people?

Why do politicians use the "blame someone else" tactic?

The US gives aid to Israel AND Palestine. Most of the aid to Israel is to help their military. Most of the aid to Palestine is to help improve the living conditions of their people.

What do you think the Palestinian leaders expect to happen when they use terroism against Americans?

If a Palestinian is arrested for attacking a Jewish person, they become heroes in Palestine. The chart above shows how much money they (or their families) are given each month.

How would this policy influence the behavior of people in Palestine?

In 1994 the Palestinian National Authority was created to adminster the Palestinian territory. This was part of an agreement with Israel. This would allow Palestinians to have their own government, and hopefully start to prosper.
The PLO became more mainstream.

Hamas is one of the new terror groups that came to power.

Do you think groups like Hamas are helping the move for peace?

Hezbollah has support from neighboring countries of Israel.

Why do you think other countries provide support for terrorist organizations?

Should the US or United Nations do something about countries supporting known terrorist organizations? If yes what should they do? If no, why not?

This is a pretty complicated topic. Is there anything else I didn't talk about that you have questions about? I may not have the answers but we can look them up! :)