Open Up - Grade 5 - ELA - Module 1 - End of Unit 2 Assessment

By Formative Library
Last updated over 2 years ago
1 Question
Directions: In this unit, you have written the first draft of an essay comparing the reactions of two characters in Esperanza Rising to the same event. In this assessment, you will revise and edit your piece using the peer feedback you have received. You will then type up your revised essay using wordprocessing software.
Manage your time carefully so that you can:

1. Read the draft of your essay.
2. Read the feedback given and consider how you can use this feedback to improve your work.
3. Revise your essay using a different colored pen or pencil:

—Add linking words and phrases to connect the ideas in your piece, and underline the linking words you have already used. Use linking words and phrases that highlight to the reader the contrast between the two character reactions.
—Correct any spelling, punctuation, or grammar mistakes.

4.Type up your final essay. Remember to italicize book titles and to cite your sources.

Source: Open Up Resouces (Download for free at