3.7.D.18 - Construct rectangles from given number of unit squares and determine the perimeters - Exit Ticket

By Formative Library
Last updated about 3 years ago
6 Questions

This rectangle has an area of 12 square centimeters. Label the missing side of the rectangle.

What is the perimeter of the rectangle above?

This rectangle has an area of 12 square centimeters. Label the missing side of the rectangle.

What is the perimeter of the rectangle above?

This rectangle has an area of 12 square centimeters. Label the missing side of the rectangle.

What is the perimeter of the above rectangle?

From EngageNY.org of the New York State Education Department. Grade 3 Mathematics Module 7, Topic C, Lesson 17. Internet. Available from https://www.engageny.org/resource/grade-3-mathemat...; accessed 4/Apr/2016.