7.5.B.12 - Applying Probability to Make Informed Decisions – Exit Ticket
By Formative Library
Last updated about 3 years ago
4 Questions
Use the information to answer the questions below.
There are four pieces of bubble gum left in a quarter machine. Two are red and two are yellow. Chandra puts two
quarters in the machine. One piece is for her and one is for her friend, Kay. If the two pieces are the same color, she is
happy because they will not have to decide who gets what color. Chandra claims that they are equally likely to get the
same color because the colors are either the same or they are different. Check her claim by doing a simulation.
10 points
Question 1
Name a device that can be used to simulate getting a piece of bubble gum.
Specify what outcome of the device represents a red piece and what outcome
represents yellow.
Name a device that can be used to simulate getting a piece of bubble gum.
Specify what outcome of the device represents a red piece and what outcome
represents yellow.
10 points
Question 2
Define what a trial is for your simulation.
Define what a trial is for your simulation.
10 points
Question 3
Define what constitutes a success in a trial of your simulation.
Define what constitutes a success in a trial of your simulation.
10 points
Question 4
Perform and list 50 simulated trials. Based on your results, is Chandra’s
equally likely model correct?
Perform and list 50 simulated trials. Based on your results, is Chandra’s
equally likely model correct?
From EngageNY.org of the New York State Education Department. Grade 7 Mathematics Module 5, Topic B, Lesson 12. Internet. Available from https://www.engageny.org/resource/grade-7-mathemat...; accessed 8/Apr/2016.