1.4.D.15 - Use Single-Digit Sums to Support Solutions for Analogous Sums to 40– Exit Ticket

By Formative Library
Last updated about 3 years ago
10 Questions

Solve the problems.

Solve the problems.

Solve the problems.

Solve the problem. 5 + 3 = _____

Solve the problem. 15 + 3 = _____

Solve the problem. 25 + 3 = _____

Solve the problem. 35 + 3 = _____

Solve the problem. 5 + 8 = _____

Solve the problem. 15 + 8 = ____

Solve the problem. 25 + 8 = ____

From EngageNY.org of the New York State Education Department. Grade 1 Mathematics Module 4, Topic D, Lesson 15. Internet. Available from http://www.engageny.org/resource/grade-1-mathemati...; accessed 26/Oct/2015.