Algebra II.3.D.23 - Bean Counting – Exit Ticket

By Formative Library
Last updated about 3 years ago
2 Questions
Suppose that you were to repeat the bean activity, but in place of beans, you were to use six-sided dice. Starting with one die, each time a die is rolled with a 6 showing, you add a new die to your cup.
Use the information to answer the following questions.

Would the number of dice in your cup grow more quickly or more slowly than the number of beans did? Explain how you know.

A sketch of one sample of data from the bean activity is shown below. On the same axes, draw a rough sketch of how you would expect the curve through the data points from the dice activity to look.

From of the New York State Education Department. Grade Algebra II Mathematics Module 3, Topic D, Lesson 23. Internet. Available from; accessed 21/Apr/2016.