Algebra II.3.A.1 - Integer Exponents – Exit Ticket
By Formative Library
Last updated about 3 years ago
3 Questions
The following formulas for paper folding were discovered by Britney Gallivan in
2001 when she was a high school junior. The first formula determines the minimum
width, W, of a square piece of paper of thickness T needed to fold it in half
10 points
Question 1
Notebook paper is approximately 0.004 in. thick. Using the formula for the width
W, determine how wide a square piece of notebook paper would need to be to
successfully fold it in half 13 times, alternating horizontal and vertical
Notebook paper is approximately 0.004 in. thick. Using the formula for the width
W, determine how wide a square piece of notebook paper would need to be to
successfully fold it in half 13 times, alternating horizontal and vertical
10 points
Question 2
Toilet paper is approximately 0.002 in. thick. Using the formula for the length
L, how long would a continuous sheet of toilet paper have to be to fold it in
half 12 times, folding perpendicular to the long edge each time?
Toilet paper is approximately 0.002 in. thick. Using the formula for the length
L, how long would a continuous sheet of toilet paper have to be to fold it in
half 12 times, folding perpendicular to the long edge each time?
10 points
Question 3
Follow the directions below.
Follow the directions below.
From of the New York State Education Department. Grade Algebra II Mathematics Module 3, Topic A, Lesson 1. Internet. Available from; accessed 21/Apr/2016.