Algebra I.1.C.24 -Applications of Systems of Equations and Inequalities - Exit Ticket

By Formative Library
Last updated about 3 years ago
3 Questions
Read the following problem.

Suppose we know that the print shop from the problem above has 8 printing presses and each printing press runs at a constant speed of 5,000 pages per hour for 6 hours a day. Compute the total number of pages printed for the cookbook job, and the total number of pages printed for the novel job.

Describe a scenario where it would make sense for the job scheduler to schedule both jobs.

If the novel was 250 pages and the cookbook 125 pages, how many copies of each were printed?

From of the New York State Education Department. Grade Algebra i Mathematics Module 1, Topic C, Lesson 24. Internet. Available from; accessed 18/Oct/2015.