Algebra I.3.D.22 - Modeling an Invasive Species Population – Exit Ticket

By Formative Library
Last updated about 3 years ago
4 Questions
These are the equation and the regression that model the number of lionfish sightings each year.

Explain the parameters of the equation within the context of the problem.

Use your equation from Exercise #1 to predict the number of lionfish sightings by year 2020.Is this prediction accurate? Explain.

Describe what features in the scatterplot make it apparent that an exponential model would be more suitable than a linear model.

Describe what features in the following table make it apparent that an exponential model would be more suitable than a linear model.

From of the New York State Education Department. High School 1 Algebra, Module 3, Topic D, Lesson 22. Internet. Available from; accessed 28/Oct/2015.