Algebra I.3.D.23 - Newton’s Law of Cooling – Exit Ticket

By Formative Library
Last updated about 3 years ago
2 Questions

Shown below is the graph of cup 1. The initial temperature of the coffee is 180° F and k is 0.2337 (for time in minutes). Sketch and label a graph of cup 2 on the same coordinate plane. Cup 2 is poured 10 minutes after cup 1 (the pot of coffee is maintained at 180°F over the 10 minutes).

Shown below is the graph of cup 1. The initial temperature of the coffee is 180° F and k is 0.2337 (for time in minutes). Sketch and label a graph of cup 3 on the same coordinate plane. Cup 3 is immediately taken outside where the temperature is 90°F.

From of the New York State Education Department. High School 1 Algebra, Module 3, Topic D, Lesson 23. Internet. Available from; accessed 28/Oct/2015.