Algebra I.2.D.12 - Relationships Between Two Numerical Variables - Exit Ticket

By Formative Library
Last updated about 3 years ago
2 Questions

You are traveling around the United States with friends. After spending a day in a town that is 2,000 feet above sea level, you plan to spend the next several days in a town that is 5,000 feet above sea level. Based on the graph above, is this town likely to have more or fewer clear days per year than the town that is 2,000 feet above sea level? Explain your answer.

You plan to buy a bike helmet. Based on the data presented above, will buying the most expensive bike helmet give you a helmet with the highest quality rating? Explain your answer.

From of the New York State Education Department. Grade Algebra i Mathematics Module 2, Topic D, Lesson 12. Internet. Available from; accessed 17/Oct/2015.