Grade 8: Section 1.1 WHMIS Symbols & Safety

By Don Moon
Last updated over 4 years ago
30 Questions

This WHMIS Symbol represents:

This WHMIS Symbol represents:

This WHMIS Symbol represents:

This WHMIS Symbol represents:

This WHMIS Symbol represents:

This WHMIS Symbol represents:

This WHMIS Symbol represents:

This WHMIS Symbol represents:

This WHMIS Symbol represents:

This WHMIS Symbol represents:

Lab Safety Rules

The first thing you should do if you break something during a lab is:

Which of the following is NOT a lab rule

What should you do with chemicals once you’ve completed the lab?

During an experiment you are instructed to smell a chemical. What is the correct procedure?

The following footwear is best in the laboratory:

When you finish working with chemicals, biological specimens, and other lab substances, always

Before you touch an electrical switch, plug, or outlet

To prevent accidents during lab you should:

The most important thing in laboratory experiments is:

You have been injured in the laboratory (cut, burn, etc.). First you should

In order to find out all the information about a chemical you should refer to:

A good way to identify an unknown substance is to taste it.

Loose clothing is preferable during labs because you can get out of them faster.

When collecting your chemicals, you should take only what is needed and leave the original container at the front of the class.

Anytime you are working with Chemicals you must wear safety googles.

It is the students responsibility to clean up their lab area after an experiment

Playing around during a science experiment is ok to do.

For our purposes, safety symbols can be divided into two categories: hazardous household product symbols (HHPS) and workplace hazardous materials information system (WHMIS) symbols.

Why should materials/substances have hazard labels on them? Give a specific example from a product that you viewed in class, or one that you know of from your house.

Some of the students are not following proper safety procedures in the picture below. Identify and list the problem actions in a table. Then suggest a better, safer way to perform each action.