Unit 5 Chapter 9 Length In Metric Units

By Carmen Colon
Last updated about 2 years ago
8 Questions

Susan uses unit cubes to measure the length of the yarn. Select the number in the box that makes the sentence true.


The paintbrush is about 7 centimeters long. Gavin says the feather is about 8 centimeters long. Ray says the feather is about 5 centimeters long. Which boy has the better estimate?


Alberto uses 8 centimeters of wire for a science project. He uses another 15 centimeters of wire for another project. How many centimeters of wire does he use? Show your work and solve on the diagram. Remember to put a ■ for the missing number. Then, select the correct answer.


Read each sentence. Then drag each sentence to either YES or NO to make the sentence correct.

  • A pencil is 16 long.
  • A swimming pool is 50 long.
  • A bed is 2 long.
  • A computer keyboard is 42 long.
  • Centimeters
  • Meters

Estimate the length of a real horse. Select all the sentences that are true.


Measure the length of each object. Does the sentence describe the objects? Choose Yes or No.

  • The yarn is 3 centimeters longer than the crayon.
  • The crayon is 7 centimeters shorter than the yarn.
  • The total length of the yarn and the crayon is 17 centimeters.
  • YES
  • NO

Elizabeth has a piece of ribbon that is 25 centimeters long. She cuts off a piece of the ribbon to wrap a gift. Elizabeth’s ribbon is now 7 centimeters long. How many centimeters of ribbon did Elizabeth use to wrap the gift? Show your work and solve on the diagram. Remember to put a ■ for the missing number. Then, select the correct answer.


Measure the length of the rope to the nearest centimeter. Select the number
that makes the sentence true.