6EP- 50 Year Energy Plan Portfolio
By Nancy Mitchell
Last updated over 2 years ago
17 Questions
Oregon State Legislature 50-Year Plan
Charge to the Energy Plan Commission
The Oregon Legislature, through the bipartisan Energy Plan Commission, of which you are a part, is writing a 50-year energy plan for the state. The Commission needs to provide a plan with a rationale and a working spreadsheet to show the effects of alternative plans.
Many legislators are unfamiliar with the basic physics of power production, so please include background information to help them better understand the challenges we face. As part of the requirements, the plan must be responsive to the values of Oregonians and fulfill the requirements of the Oregon Law titled “Clean Electricity and Coal Transition Plan” which requires the state to move completely off fossil fuels by 2040.
Additionally, the state requires power companies to produce reliable power that always meets or exceeds the energy needs of all Oregonians while staying within projected growth each decade.
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