Stave 3 The Second of the Three Spirits (part 2)

By Jaimie Richmond
Last updated about 2 years ago
6 Questions
Either read the passages to yourself or listen to the video as you read. Answer the questions as you go and use an ACE response (Answer, Cite Evidence, Explain) to answer the question at the end.

Go to Teams and Click on A Christmas Carol 6 to listen to this part of the assignment if you did not already do so in class.

How does the Spirit use Scrooge's own words against him regarding Tiny Tim?


What is the lesson Scrooge is supposed to learn from the Minors and the Sailors?


What is the atmosphere like in Scrooge's nephew's home? How does Scrooge react to seeing his nephew's house?


What are the characters "ignorance" and "want"? What warning do they bring to Scrooge?


How are Scrooge's own words used against him by the ghost of Christmas present when he asks about the children?


Use an ACE response (Answer, Cite evidence, Explain) to answer the following question:

Why does the author choose to include the children? How does this image of ignorance and want affect the reader?