Stave 4 The Last of the Spirits (part 1)

By Jaimie Richmond
Last updated about 2 years ago
5 Questions
Either read the passages to yourself or listen to the video as you read. Answer the questions as you go and use an ACE response (Answer, Cite Evidence, Explain) to answer the question at the end.

Go to Teams and Click on A Christmas Carol 7 to listen to this part of the assignment if you did not already do so in class.

By the time Scrooge meets the ghost of Christmas future has he already experienced a change of heart? Provide evidence from the text.


Two groups of businessmen discuss a man's death. How do they feel about the death?


The ghost brings Scrooge to a bad part of town where two women and a man are selling items to a man in a shop.

What does the second woman describe that makes Scrooge recoil with horror?


When Scrooge visits the dead man's room, what is missing in addition to the man's belongings?


Use an ACE (Answer, Cite evidence, Explain) response to answer this question:

What are the people from the bad part of town doing? How do you know?