Unit 3 - Lesson 11 - Grade 3: Illustrative Mathematics

By Formative Library
Last updated 16 days ago
11 Questions
Note from the author:
Grade 3 Unit 3
Lesson 11: Analyze Subtraction Algorithms
CC BY 2021 Illustrative Mathematics®
Grade 3 Unit 3
Lesson 11: Analyze Subtraction Algorithms
CC BY 2021 Illustrative Mathematics®
Lesson: Analyze Subtraction Algorithms

Number Talk: Subtract within 1,000 (Warm Up)

Find the value of each expression mentally.

400 - 200

450 - 200

450 - 205

450 - 215

Compare Two Subtraction Algorithms

The first steps of two algorithms are shown.

How are the steps different?

Use Algorithm A to find the value of 824 - 541.

Use Algorithm B to find the value of 824 - 541.

Use an Algorithm?

Noah wanted to find the value of 301 - 167 and wrote:

Elena said that we can’t subtract this way because we would need more ones to subtract 7 ones, but there’s a zero in the tens place of 301.

Do you agree with Elena's statement? Explain your reasoning.

Show how you would use an algorithm (either Noah's or another algorithm) to find the difference between 301 and 167.

Cool Down: Subtraction Reflection
You’ve learned many ways to subtract large numbers, including strategies and algorithms.

What is your favorite way to subtract large numbers?

What’s a way that you would like to learn more about and use more?