Unit 4 - Lesson 8 - Grade 3: Illustrative Mathematics

By Formative Library
Last updated 6 days ago
8 Questions
Note from the author:
Grade 3 Unit 4
Lesson 8: Relate Quotients to Familiar Products
CC BY 2021 Illustrative Mathematics®
Grade 3 Unit 4
Lesson 8: Relate Quotients to Familiar Products
CC BY 2021 Illustrative Mathematics®
Lesson: Relate Quotients to Familiar Products

Number Talk: Multiplication and Division (Warm Up)

Find the value of each expression mentally.

Card Sort: Multiplication

Quiz your partner on their multiplication facts. Sort your partner’s facts into one of these columns:
  • know it right away
  • can find it quickly
  • don’t know it yet

List five (5) multiplication expressions you're going to practice:

If I Know, Then I Know

If I know 4 x 5 = 20, then I know _____.

  1. Set the multiplication fact cards in a stack face down.
  2. Take turns drawing a multiplication fact card.
  3. Use the multiplication fact on the card to record a multiplication equation in the “If I know . . .” column.
  4. Then, record related division equations in the “Then I know . . .” column.

Cool Down: Multiplication and Division Facts

Think about the multiplication facts that you know. How have they changed since the beginning of the year?