Unit 5 - Lesson 16 - Grade 3: Illustrative Mathematics

By Formative Library
Last updated 16 days ago
25 Questions
Note from the author:
Grade 3 Unit 5
Lesson 16: Compare Fractions with the Same Numerator
CC BY 2021 Illustrative Mathematics®
Grade 3 Unit 5
Lesson 16: Compare Fractions with the Same Numerator
CC BY 2021 Illustrative Mathematics®
Lesson: Compare Fractions with the Same Numerator

True or False: Unit Fractions (Warm Up)

Explain your reasoning.

Explain your reasoning.

Explain your reasoning.

Five Parts of Something

Who do you agree with? Show your thinking using diagrams or number lines.

Which fraction do you think is greater?

Which fraction do you think is greater?

Which fraction do you think is greater?

Locate and label each fraction on a number line:

What do you notice about the points? Make 1–2 observations.

Fractions with the Same Numerator

Circle the fraction that is greater. Explain or show your reasoning.

Circle the fraction that is greater. Explain or show your reasoning.

Circle the fraction that is greater. Explain or show your reasoning.

Circle the fraction that is greater. Explain or show your reasoning.

Use the symbols > or < to make each statement true. Be prepared to explain your reasoning.

Use the symbols > or < to make each statement true. Be prepared to explain your reasoning.

Use the symbols > or < to make each statement true. Be prepared to explain your reasoning.

Use the symbols > or < to make each statement true. Be prepared to explain your reasoning.

What is the missing denominator of the fraction that makes the statement true? Be prepared to explain your reasoning.

What is the missing denominator of the fraction that makes the statement true? Be prepared to explain your reasoning.

What is the missing denominator of the fraction that makes the statement true? Be prepared to explain your reasoning.

What is the missing denominator of the fraction that makes the statement true? Be prepared to explain your reasoning.

Cool Down: Same Numerator

Use the symbols > and < to make the statement true. Explain or show your reasoning.