Unit 8 - Lesson 8 - Grade 3: Illustrative Mathematics

By Formative Library
Last updated 6 days ago
8 Questions
Note from the author:
Grade 3 Unit
Lesson 8: Multiplication Center Day
CC BY 2021 Illustrative Mathematics®
Grade 3 Unit
Lesson 8: Multiplication Center Day
CC BY 2021 Illustrative Mathematics®
Lesson: Multiplication Center Day

Number Talk: Products (Warm Up)

Find the value of each expression mentally.

2 x 4

5 x 4

10 x 4

17 x 4

Card Sort: Multiplication

Quiz your partner on their multiplication facts and sort your partner’s facts into one of these columns:
  • know it right away
  • can find it quickly
  • don’t know it yet

List at least 5 multiplication expressions you're going to practice:

Compare, Multiply Within 100

Play Compare with 2 players.
  1. Split the deck between the players.
  2. Each player turns over a card.
  3. Compare the values. The player with the greater value keeps both cards.
  4. Play until you run out of cards. The player with the most cards at the end of the game wins.
Cool Down: Multiplication Reflection

What progress have you made this year with multiplying within 100?

What do you still need to work on?