2022 (June): NY Regents - ELA

By Sara Cowley
Last updated 5 months ago
26 Questions
Note from the author:
From the New York State Education Department. The University of the State of New York REGENTS HIGH SCHOOL EXAMINATION REGENTS EXAMINATION IN ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS. Internet. Available from https://www.nysedregents.org/hsela/622/reela62022-exam.pdfe; accessed 20, June, 2023.
From the New York State Education Department. The University of the State of New York REGENTS HIGH SCHOOL EXAMINATION REGENTS EXAMINATION IN ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS. Internet. Available from https://www.nysedregents.org/hsela/622/reela62022-exam.pdfe; accessed 20, June, 2023.

In the first paragraph, Miss Conway’s choice of clothing is intended to convey her

In lines 18 and 19, Mr. Donovan presents himself as

Miss Conway most likely relates the anecdote about Count Fernando Mazzini (lines 29 through 36) in order to

The quote “The sympathetic but cheerful friend was the role he essayed” (lines 49 and 50) suggests that Mr. Donovan

As used in line 52, the word “diminution” most nearly means

Miss Conway’s response to Mr. Donovan’s “look of abstracted gloom” (line 62) is one of

The hyperbole in lines 80 and 81 highlights Mr. Donovan’s

Which statement foreshadows a revelation at the end of the text?

The text is developed primarily through the use of

A central idea of the text is that

Lines 5 and 13 serve to emphasize a contrast between

As used in line 10, “languish” most nearly means

Lines 15 and 16 suggest that “day and night”

The tone of the poem can best be described as

The opening paragraph serves to

Tharp’s initial reaction to her maps (lines 20 through 22) is one of

The figurative language used in lines 33 and 34 suggests Wegener’s theory was

Lines 36 through 42 reveal Tharp’s

Lines 49 through 51 reveal that Tharp’s opportunity for additional education was influenced by the

The word “sparring” (line 78) suggests a

The reference to “seams on a baseball” (lines 79 and 80) serves to help readers imagine the

Which quotation reflects a central idea of the text?

Which statement reflects an irony in the text?

With which statement would the author most likely agree?

Write your Argument here.

Write your Text-Analysis here.