2021 (June): NY Regents - ELA

By Sara Cowley
Last updated 5 months ago
26 Questions
Note from the author:
From the New York State Education Department. The University of the State of New York REGENTS HIGH SCHOOL EXAMINATION REGENTS EXAMINATION IN ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS. Internet. Available from https://www.nysedregents.org/hsela/621/reela-v202-exam.pdf; accessed 20, June, 2023.
From the New York State Education Department. The University of the State of New York REGENTS HIGH SCHOOL EXAMINATION REGENTS EXAMINATION IN ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS. Internet. Available from https://www.nysedregents.org/hsela/621/reela-v202-exam.pdf; accessed 20, June, 2023.

In the context of the passage as a whole, lines 3 through 5 suggest that Clare

The figurative language in lines 14 and 15 helps to establish

The description of each sister’s reaction to the wind (lines 19 through 33) serves to

Clare’s reaction to Reverdy’s punishment (lines 44 and 45) reveals that Clare is

Clare’s reflections in lines 49 through 54 convey her

As used in line 56, the phrase “battened on” most nearly means

Which statement best explains Clare’s motivation for playing music (lines 62 through 65)?

In the context of the passage as a whole, the author suggests that the family interactions have been influenced by

The occasional use of second person point of view contributes to the reader’s

Which quotation best reflects a central idea of the text?

The figurative language in lines 6 through 11 reflects the father’s

Lines 21 through 23 reveal that the narrator

In line 26, “shard” most nearly means

Lines 33 through 35 convey a sense of

The first paragraph introduces a central idea by citing

Lines 8 through 13 support the idea that noise

The details in lines 14 through 22 indicate that

The conclusion drawn by the World Health Organization (lines 24 through 28) highlights the

Initial findings about the effects of silence (lines 29 through 33) were

As used in the text, “striking” (line 41) most nearly means

Bernardi’s discovery (lines 41 through 44) contributes to a central idea by emphasizing the

The statement in lines 45 and 46 conveys a sense of

The figurative language in lines 97 through 99 reinforces the idea that

The author’s primary purpose in the text is to

Write your Argument here.

Write your Text-Analysis here.