2020 (Jan.): NY Regents - ELA

By Sara Cowley
Last updated 5 months ago
26 Questions
Note from the author:
From the New York State Education Department. The University of the State of New York REGENTS HIGH SCHOOL EXAMINATION REGENTS EXAMINATION IN ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS. Internet. Available from https://www.nysedregents.org/hsela/120/reela12020-exam.pdf; accessed 3, May, 2023.
From the New York State Education Department. The University of the State of New York REGENTS HIGH SCHOOL EXAMINATION REGENTS EXAMINATION IN ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS. Internet. Available from https://www.nysedregents.org/hsela/120/reela12020-exam.pdf; accessed 3, May, 2023.

The figurative language in lines 5 through 7 establishes a tone of

The second paragraph contributes to a central idea by exposing

The details in lines 33 through 38 convey a feeling of

Lines 46 through 49 best serve to

The comparison drawn in lines 50 through 53 expresses the Grandmother’s

The description in lines 54 through 59 highlights the Grandmother’s

Lines 64 and 65 reveal that the Grandmother is

The author’s use of the words “barbarity” (line 45) and “barbarous” (line 69) emphasizes the

Lines 78 through 81 suggest

Which statement best clarifies the idea that the Grandmother “was not a woman given to reflection” (line 29)?

The references to Laistrygonians, Cyclops, and Poseidon in the first stanza convey the idea that people

The repetition in lines 2 and 14 stresses the

As used in line 30, the concept of “wealthy” refers to

Which phrase best clarifies what Ithaka represents?

The anecdote in lines 1 through 9 best serves to

Knowledge of earworms (lines 28 through 31) can be utilized in

Details regarding individuals’ brain structure (lines 45 through 49) serve to

As used in line 53, “exacerbate” most nearly means

Lines 56 and 57 serve to highlight a central idea that earworms are

The research of Professor James Kellaris (lines 58 through 64) supports the idea that IMIs may

According to studies (lines 74 through 77), one way of treating IMIs involves

The statement “Oh no” (line 93) reflects the narrator’s

Which lines best summarize a central idea of the text?

The text is presented from the narrator’s perspective in order to

Write your Argument here.

Write your Text-Analysis here.