IM: 8.3.2: Graphs of Proportional Relationships (Lesson)
By Newsela Staff
Last updated 16 days ago
10 Questions
2.1: An Unknown Situation
Here is a graph that could represent a variety of different situations.
2.2: Card Sort: Proportional Relationships
Your teacher will give you 12 graphs of proportional relationships.
2.3: Different Scales
Two large water tanks are filling with water. Tank A is not filled at a constant rate, and the relationship between its volume of water and time is graphed on each set of axes. Tank B is filled at a constant rate of 1/2 liters per minute. The relationship between its volume of water and time can be described by the equation v=\frac{1}{2} t, where t is the time in minutes and v is the total volume in liters of water in the tank.
A giant tortoise travels at 0.17 miles per hour and an arctic hare travels at 37 miles per hour.