Algebra 1 1-5 Guided Practice: Adding and Subtracting Real Numbers

By Matt Richardson
Last updated about 2 years ago
26 Questions

Video Check: Select all that apply with regards to the video embedded directly above this item.

Solve It! How much money must you add to make the card worth $25?

Enter your response in this format: $37

Solve It! Explain your reasoning.

Video Check: Select all that apply with regards to the video embedded directly above this item.

Take Note: Describe the process of adding and subtracting real numbers using a number line.
You should use each of the following words in your response: positive, negative, right, left, add (or adding), subtract (or subtracting).

You may use the number line on the canvas to help illustrate the process you describe.

Problem 1 Got It?
Show your work on the canvas.

Video Check: Select all that apply with regards to the video embedded directly above this item.

Take Note: Define absolute value.

Take Note: Write the algebraic expression that is equivalent to the verbal expression below.

the absolute value of x

A vertical bar key for absolute value symbols can be found on most keyboards above the Enter or Return key.

Take Note: Describe the process of adding numbers with the same sign.

Take Note: Describe the process of adding numbers with different signs.

Problem 2 Got It?

Problem 2 Got It?

Problem 2 Got It?

Problem 2 Got It?

Video Check: Select all that apply with regards to the video embedded directly above this item.

Take Note: Define opposites as they pertain to this lesson.

Graph an example pair of opposites on the canvas.

Take Note: Define additive inverses.

Take Note: Provide an example pair of additive inverses. Separate them with a comma.

Take Note: Restate the Inverse Property of Addition.

Take Note: To subtract a real number, add its opposite.
1. What does this mean?
2. Provide an example that demonstrates how this works.

Problem 3 Got It?

Problem 3 Got It?

Video Check: Select all that apply with regards to the video embedded directly above this item.

Problem 4 Got It?

🧠 Retrieval Practice:
Summarize the mathematical content of this lesson. What topics, ideas, and vocabulary were introduced?