Algebra 1 1-6 Guided Practice: Multiplying and Dividing Real Numbers

By Matt Richardson
Last updated about 2 years ago
26 Questions

Video Check: Select all that apply with regards to the video embedded directly above this item.

Solve It! What is the sign of the product of a positive number and a negative number?

Solve It! What is the sign of the product of two negative numbers?

Video Check: Select all that apply with regards to the video embedded directly above this item.

Take Note: When multiplying two real numbers, how do you know when the sign of the product will be positive?

Take Note: When multiplying two real numbers, how do you know when the sign of the product will be negative?

Problem 1 Got It?

Problem 1 Got It?

Problem 1 Got It?

Problem 1 Got It?

Video Check: Select all that apply with regards to the video embedded directly above this item.

Problem 2 Got It?

Problem 2 Got It?

Problem 2 Got It?

Problem 2 Got It?

Video Check: Select all that apply with regards to the video embedded directly above this item.

Take Note: Consider the Key Concept: Dividing Real Numbers information.
Use an item from the left to fill in each blank on the right.

  • undefined
  • negative
  • 0
  • positive
  • The quotient of two real numbers with different signs is __________.
  • The quotient of two real numbers with the same sign is __________.
  • The quotient of 0 and any nonzero real number is __________.
  • The quotient of any real number and 0 is __________.

Problem 3 Got It?

Take Note: Define multiplicative inverse.

Take Note: Provide an example pair of multiplicative inverses. Separate them with a comma.

Take Note: Restate the Inverse Property of Multiplication.

Take Note: Define reciprocal.

Take Note: What is the reciprocal of -\frac{1}{4}?

Problem 4 Got It? What is the value of the expression?
Write only a number, in fraction format.

Problem 4 Got It? Reasoning: Are the following two expressions equivalent? Explain.

🧠 Retrieval Practice:
Summarize the mathematical content of this lesson. What topics, ideas, and vocabulary were introduced?