Algebra 1 2-6 Guided Practice: Ratios, Rates, and Conversions

By Matt Richardson
Last updated about 2 years ago
20 Questions

Video Check: Select all that apply with regards to the video embedded directly above this item.

Solve It! Two olympic athletes can run the races in the times shown. Who is the faster runner?

Solve It! How do you know? Explain your reasoning.

Video Check: Select all that apply with regards to the video embedded directly above this item.

Take Note:
What is the ratio of blue to red flowers in the image?
Select all that apply.

Take Note: Define rate.

Take Note: Define unit rate. How is that different from a rate?

Take Note: Provide an example of a unit rate you have encountered in real-life.

Problem 1 Got It?

Video Check: Select all that apply with regards to the video embedded directly above this item.

Take Note: Define conversion factor in your own words. You may include examples, but remember that examples are NOT definitions.

Problem 2 Got It?

Video Check: Select all that apply with regards to the video embedded directly above this item.

Take Note: Define unit analysis.

Problem 3 Got It?

Problem 3 Got It?

Video Check: Select all that apply with regards to the video embedded directly above this item.

Problem 4 Got It? An athlete ran a sprint of 100 ft in 3.1 s. At what speed was the athlete running in miles per hour? Round to the nearest mile per hour. Enter only a number.

Problem 4 Got It? Reasoning: In Problem 4, one student multiplied by these conversion factors in order.

Can this method work? Why or why not?

🧠 Retrieval Practice:
Summarize the mathematical content of this lesson. What topics, ideas, and vocabulary were introduced?