Algebra 1 2-10 Independent Practice: Change Expressed as a Percent

By Matt Richardson
Last updated about 2 years ago
9 Questions

Vocabulary: Determine whether the situation involves a percent increase or a percent decrease.

A hat that originally costs $12 sold for $9.50.

Vocabulary: Determine whether the situation involves a percent increase or a percent decrease.

You buy a DVD for $10 and sell it for $8.

Vocabulary: Determine whether the situation involves a percent increase or a percent decrease.

A store buys glasses wholesale for $2 per class. The store sells them for $4.50

Reasoning: What is the greatest possible error of a measurement taken to the nearest tenth of a meter? Hint: Consider how many centimeters are in one tenth of a meter.

Writing: How is calculating percent increase different from calculating percent decrease?

Reflection: Math Success