Algebra 1 3-5 Guided Practice: Working With Sets

By Matt Richardson
Last updated almost 3 years ago
21 Questions

Solve It! Most numbers on a telephone keypad correspond to a set of letters. Suppose you're friend is using the keypad to encrypt a secret message. He sends you the string of characters 4 6 6 3 in that order. What is one word he might be trying to send?

Take Note: Define set as it pertains to this lesson.

Take Note: Define subset as it pertains to this lesson.

Take Note: Provide an example of a set containing 5 elements that is written in roster form.

Take Note: Provide an example of a set that is written using set-builder notation.

Problem 1 Got It?

Problem 2 Got It?

Take Note: Provide an example of two sets written in roster form. The second set should be a subset of the first.

Take Note: Every set is a subset of itself.

Take Note: Define the empty set.

Take Note: Write the empty set in roster form.

Take Note: Mathtype pro-tip!

In many equation editors, the code \subseteq will generate the subset symbol ⊆. You can try it out here.

Enter the subset symbol.

Problem 3 Got It? What are the subsets of the set P = {a, b}?
Select all that apply.

Problem 3 Got It? What are the subsets of the set S = {a, b, c}?
Select all that apply.

Problem 3 Got It? Reasoning: Let A = {x | x < -3} and B = {x | x ≤ 0}. Is A a subset of B?

Problem 3 Got It? Reasoning: Explain your reasoning on the previous item.
You may use the canvas to help illustrate your written response.

Take Note: Define universal set (aka universe).

Take Note: Define complement of a set.

Take Note: Let the universal set U and a set A be defined as below.

U = {1,2,3,4,5}
A = {1,3,5}

Write A' in roster form.

Problem 4 Got It?

Take Note: Summarize the mathematical content of this lesson. What topics, ideas, and vocabulary were introduced?