-ER & -IR Conjugation Practice

By Amanda Rieder
Last updated over 3 years ago
21 Questions
Graded on accuracy. You can resubmit this as many times as you need to during the time given to get a perfect score.

Choose the correct form of the verb for the subject of each sentence.

Choose the correct form of the verb for the subject of each sentence.

Choose the correct form of the verb for the subject of each sentence.

Choose the correct form of the verb for the subject of each sentence.

Choose the correct form of the verb for the subject of each sentence.

Choose the correct form of the verb for the subject of each sentence.

Choose the correct form of the verb for the subject of each sentence.

Choose the correct form of the verb for the subject of each sentence.

Choose the correct form of the verb for the subject of each sentence.

Choose the correct form of the verb for the subject of each sentence.

Choose the correct form of the verb for the subject of each sentence.

Choose the correct form of the verb for the subject of each sentence.

Choose the correct form of the verb for the subject of each sentence.

Choose the correct form of the verb for the subject of each sentence.

Choose the correct form of the verb for the subject of each sentence.

Choose the correct form of the verb for the subject of each sentence.

Choose the correct form of the verb for the subject of each sentence.

Choose the correct form of the verb for the subject of each sentence.

Choose the correct form of the verb for the subject of each sentence.

Choose the correct form of the verb for the subject of each sentence.

Extra Credit: Answer the questions above in complete sentences in Spanish.