
By Felix Gabathuler
Last updated almost 5 years ago
29 Questions
We just began working on triangles. Soon, we're going to blend triangles, circles, and quadrilaterals together in a way that nobody ever thought was possible...! To do that though, we're going to need to know all the lingo and be able to work with triangles in different forms.

Warm Up with the following lessons. Start with this one:

Naming angles

If you'd like to review what complementary, supplementary, or vertical mean, watch the following videos. If not, move on to the lessons.

Get hot with the following lesson:

Identifying supplementary, complementary, and vertical angles

Get hot hot hot with the following lessons (don't burn yourself!):

Complementary and Supplementary Angles: Part 1

Complementary and Supplementary Angles: Part 2

How's your vertical braaaa? Let's find out:

Vertical Angles

Hmmmmm something is missing up there.... I don't know where to find that puzzle piece, but I do know how to find missing angles! Let's go find em!

Missing Angles

Keep looking!!

Calculating Missing Angles

Let's construct our own triangles now. You'll be needing the protractor soon enough. But until then, try these:

Constructing Triangles

Who's ready for some trivia?? YOU!!

Triangle Trivia Part 1

Triangle Trivia Part 2

Do NOT skip the following videos! They include information we have not covered in class that is important! Watch them and take notes on anything you find interesting/relevant/important!
Only watch the first 60 seconds of the following video!

Angle JKL should be 65 degrees, not 55 degrees

Write your answer in terms of y. Example: y = something something something

Just write the number, no symbols

Just write the number, no symbols

Just write the number, no symbols

Just write the number, no symbols

Just write the number, no symbols

Using a protractor, construct an iscoceles triangle that has a 44 degree angle and a 68 degree angle. Make sure to label the angles and side lengths. Take a picture of your triangle and submit it below.

Just write the letters, uppercase.

Write your answer as follows: x=#,y=# no spaces

Just write the number, no symbols

Just write the number, no symbols

Write yes or no only