PhET States of Matter
By Meghan Borg
Last updated over 5 years ago
8 Questions
Note from the author:
To accompany PhET States of Matter
1 point
Question 1
Click on the different types of molecules. What do you notice about the difference between oxygen molecules and neon molecules?
Click on the different types of molecules. What do you notice about the difference between oxygen molecules and neon molecules?
1 point
Question 2
Click on Argon and change it to a liquid. Observe for about 10 seconds. What do you notice?
Click on Argon and change it to a liquid. Observe for about 10 seconds. What do you notice?
1 point
Question 3
Click on the oxygen particle and make it a gas. Add heat above 350 K (kelvin is another way to measure temperature). Which of these statements is true?
Click on the oxygen particle and make it a gas. Add heat above 350 K (kelvin is another way to measure temperature). Which of these statements is true?
1 point
Question 4
Select water and make it as solid. Lower the temperature to 50K. What do you notice?
Select water and make it as solid. Lower the temperature to 50K. What do you notice?
1 point
Question 5
Go to the bottom of the simulator and select "phase changes." Select oxgyen and then add pressure by pulling up on the pump and pushing it down until the pressure gauge says 20 atm. Then drag the finger down to push the lid down. As you increased the pressure, what happens to the temperature?
Go to the bottom of the simulator and select "phase changes." Select oxgyen and then add pressure by pulling up on the pump and pushing it down until the pressure gauge says 20 atm. Then drag the finger down to push the lid down. As you increased the pressure, what happens to the temperature?
1 point
Question 6
Besides using the pump or finger to press down on the lid, how else can you increase the pressure in the container?
Besides using the pump or finger to press down on the lid, how else can you increase the pressure in the container?
1 point
Question 7
Click on neon and push the finger down so that the lid is halfway down the container (the thumb just touches the top). If you cool the molecules down by adding ice, what temperature will you need to reach in order to make the pressure go down just below 50 atm? (Choose the closest number.)
Click on neon and push the finger down so that the lid is halfway down the container (the thumb just touches the top). If you cool the molecules down by adding ice, what temperature will you need to reach in order to make the pressure go down just below 50 atm? (Choose the closest number.)
1 point
Question 8
Which molecule is LEAST condensed at below 30K?
Which molecule is LEAST condensed at below 30K?