Priscilla and the Wimps

By Nicholas Angrisani
Last updated over 5 years ago
15 Questions

One character trait to describe the Kobras is...

Select the best piece of text evidence to support your response to question #1

One character trait to describe Priscilla is...

Select the best piece of text evidence to support your response to question #3

Monk makes a difficult decision to break his own rule and reach for Melvin himself. Is this descision an internal or external conflict?

Priscilla puts Monk in a hammerlock, so he can't move. Is this an internal or external conflict?

Complete the sentence by filling in the blanks: Because Priscilla is ___________, she ______________________________.

In paragraphs 1-5, what is the mood of the setting?

Which words contribute to the mood of the story in paragraphs 1-5?

Re-read paragraphs 1-7, then complete the sentence by filling in the blanks: Because the setting is ___________, students __________________________________.

The author writes, "Pretty soon Monk himself slides up. He jerks his head once, and his Kobras slither off down the hall." What does this sentence prove about the Kobras?

Which of the following is a motif in "Priscilla and the Wimps"?

Which of the following is a theme in"Priscilla and the Wimps"?

In paragraph 6, the author refers to Priscilla as a serpent in Monk's garden. What does the serpent symbolize?

In the last paragraph, the author writes, "Well, this is where fate, an even bigger force than Priscilla, steps in. It snows all that night, a blizzard. The whole town ices up. And schools closes for a week." What is the mood at this point in the story?