Bridges Unit 3 Post Assessment

By Rebecca Monroe
Last updated almost 4 years ago
29 Questions

Round 66 to the nearest 10.

Round 118 to the nearest 10.

Round 525 to the nearest 10.

Round 2,861 to the nearest 10.

Round 366 to the nearest 100.

Round 118 to the nearest 100.

Round 525 to the nearest 100.

Round 2,861 to the nearest 100.



673+249= ? + 250

843-129= ? - 130

Which TWO numbers below have a sum closest to 700?

Which TWO numbers below have a sum closest to 1,000?

Explain your strategy for 6a;how did you choose the two numbers to add to get closest to 1,000? Write your answer in complete sentences.

This month the fourth and fifth graders at Rosa Parks School had a contest to see who could read the most books. By the end of the month, the fourth graders read 637 books and the fifth graders read 674 books.

Which grade read the most and won the contest?

How many more books did the winners read than the losers? Use sketches, numbers, or words to show your thinking.

The winners read____ more books than the losers.

Which equation does NOT represent this problem? (The letter b tells how many more books the winner of the contest read).

The fourth grade had 363 students. Over winter break, 94 students moved away, but 26 new students moved in.

How many students are now in the fourth grade? Use sketches, numbers, or words to show your thinking.

There are now____students in fourth grade.

Solve the equation 236+499. Use a strategy that is more efficient than counting by 1's. Use sketches, numbers, or words to show your thinking.


Solve the equation 236+462. Use sketches, numbers, or words to show your thinking.


Solve 182-117= . Use sketches, numbers, or words to show your thinking.


Solve 72-15= Use sketches, numbers, or words to show your thinking.
