
By Kristin Gullette
Last updated about 5 years ago
13 Questions

What is the middle of this chromosome called?

How many total chromosomes in this Karyotype? (count the centromeres)

The two chromosomes together are considered ______________________________________ because one is from Mom and one is from Dad.

BONUS How many individual sister chromatids are in this karyotype?

Is this cell diploid (double chromosomes) or haploid (half chromosomes)?

What is the middle of the chromosome called?

Have these chromosomes been duplicated?

Does this cell have chromosomes from the mom and dad or just one parent?

Is it diploid (double DNA) or haploid (half DNA)?

How many total chromosomes in this cell?

Look! There are two chromosomes #4's. One is from mom and one is from dad. These are called ___________________________________.

Is this cell diploid (2n) or haploid (n)?

Which karyotype in the activity was an egg/sperm cell?