French: Review & Speaking Practice: verbs & vocabulary

By Mme. Drummond
Last updated over 4 years ago
30 Questions
Le verbe aimer : Read the conjugation of the verb aimer and listen to the conjugation with the audio recording below.

*Working on an iPad, this GoFormative works best with SAFARI web browser.
Listen to the conjugation of the verb aimer below:

Write the conjugation of the verb aimer in the negative for all subjects (je, tu, il, elle, nous, vous, ils, elles).

Write the conjugation for the verb adorer for all the subjects (je, tu, il, elle, nous, vous, ils, elles).

Write the conjugation for the verb préférer. Write for all the subjects (je, tu, il, elle, nous, vous, ils, elles). *Be careful to use the correct accents *

Answer this question using a full sentence : Aimes-tu danser?

Answer this question using a full sentence : Est-ce que tu préfères écouter de la musique ou lire des livres?

(Remember: with the verb préférer, you choose the one you like better.)

Note: Definite articles

Meaning: le, la, l', les = the

  • le = leu (like the letter E in the French alphabet)
  • la = lah
  • l' = l + sound of the word
  • les = leh --> If the word starts with a vowel (a, e, i, o, u) or h = lez + sound of the word
Vocabulaire de la classe : Look at the image below and answer the following questions.

Match the picture to sound of the words (masculin/féminin) with the same meaning.

Write the masculin and féminin forms of the adjectives (#1-10) in question #29.

Write your answer like this:

1. masculin form, féminin form
2. masculin form, féminin form