Regions and Nations Associated with Mercantilism

By Vincent Bean
Last updated about 4 years ago
17 Questions

DO NOW - Write 3 - 5 vocabulary terms that stick out to you from the last lesson on Mercantilism.

Entrance Card - Match the following vocabulary words with the correct definition.

Export more goods than you import in order to make money.
A country that is owned by another country.
material that is used to make something.
something that comes from the natural environment.

Using the PowerPoint below write the following:
Title - Regions and Nations Associated with Mercantilism
Learning Intention
Success Criteria
Study the map of European nations, then answer the following question.

Which two Mother Countries
can be found in Western Europe?

Study the following map entititled Colonial Africa Circa Late 1800s. Observe which European countries have colonies in Africa, then anwer the following question.

Which two European nations had the most colonies in Africa?

Now study the following map entititled Caribbean Colonial Powers 1850. Observe which European countries have colonies in the Caribbean, then anwer the following questions.

Which two European nations had colonies in Hispaniola (Dominican Republic and Haiti)?

Which European nation had a colony in Cuba?

Finally, study the following map entititled Colonization of the Americas. Observe which European countries have colonies in the Americas (North America and South America), then answer the following questions.

Which Western European nations had colonies in North America?

Which Western European nations had colonies in South America?

Now read the following passage entititled Regions and Nations Associated with Mercantilism. Be sure to take notes in your exercise book on the nations and regions that were associated with mercantilism.
Use the 4 maps above, as well as, the notes to complete the following task. Identify on the map below the main regions and nations associated with mercantilism .

Which European nation is pointed out as practicing mercantilism?

Which region is pointed out as being associated with mercantilism?

Which region is pointed out as being associated with mercantilism?

Which European nation is pointed out as practicing mercantilism?

Which European nation is pointed out as practicing mercantilism?

Which region is pointed out as being associated with mercantilism?

Which region is pointed out as being associated with mercantilism?

Exit Card - Name 2 regions associated with mercantilism. Name 2 Mother Countries or 2 Western European nations associated with mercantilism.