How do you think a standard way would help scientists ?
Watch the video upto 6:08
4 points
Question 2
Select 3 options where the scientific name is written correctly following Binomial Nomenclature rules
2 points
Question 3
If two species belong to the same order, what other levels in the Linnaean system must they have in common?
2 points
Question 4
Compare How is a scientific name similar to an address that includes street and house ? Use the below image for reference to explain.
10 points
Question 5
Please use the following link or interactive to complete CONCEPT MAP FOR Linnaean classification
Screenshot your completed work with date and time on your device and upload it here to get credit.
10 points
Question 6
Please use the following link to complete Self check FOR Linnaean classification
Screenshot your completed work with date and time on your device and upload it here to get credit.
Go through the interactive and practice using the key to classify atleast 3 different organisms.
Take screenshot of the Pop-up that appears once you have finished the interactive and upload it to the Show your work question after the interactive. Along with the screenshot, List atleast 2 NEW things you learned while going through this interactive in the next question.
If you are using a mobile device and the below interactive does not work, please click here Virtual Investigations
10 points
Question 7
Go through the interactive and practice using the key to classify atleast 3 different organisms. Upload your screenshot of the Pop-up that appears once you have finished the above interactive.