Unit 5 Independence Movements

By Amy C Gilstrap
Last updated over 4 years ago
15 Questions

What did the slogan “No taxation without representation” relate to?


How did John Locke’s words encourage the American Revolution?


Why did the states in the newly founded United States of America create the Constitution?


What impact did the American Revolution have on the French Revolution?


Why did French Revolutionaries view the Estate System as unfair?


Which of the following was established to protect the French Revolution from both foreign and domestic enemies?


Who led a slave uprising of 100,000 slaves and freed Haiti from their European oppressor?


What group of people made up the third estate in France?


Why were people willing to accept Napoleon as emperor?


The independence movement in Latin America was spearheaded in large part by


Document Based Question
Free communication of ideas and opinions is one of the most precious of the rights of man. Consequently, every citizen may speak, write, and print freely, subject to responsibility for the abuse of such liberty in the cases determined by law.
Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen, French National Assembly, 1789

According to the passage, what is one of the most precious rights?


The _____ was an agreement to maintain a balance of power in Europe after Napoleon's defeat.


What stopped Napoleon from successfully conquering Russia?


What did the third estate rename themselves in part to be taken more seriously?

Made himself Emperor of Haiti – assassinated by rebel leaders
Creole responsible for freeing Colombia, Venezuela and Ecuador
Local priest credited with starting the Mexican movement for independence
Author of Declaration of the Rights of Women and the Female Citizen, executed during the Reign of Terror
Creole responsible for freeing Argentina, Chile and Peru
Colombian woman who served as a spy against Spanish forces, and was executed for her work