New Year Check-Up

By Amy C Gilstrap
Last updated over 3 years ago
13 Questions
Happy New Year and Welcome Back!

On a scale of 1-5 how happy are you to be back at school?


Give me a back-to-school or New Year meme to share with the class


How much school work did you do over break? You can include work from other classes in this answer.


Since we are all working from home for at least the next two weeks...
Consider your work space.
Do you have a dedicated place to do your school work and particpate in classes?


Cosider the distractions in your home environment - I am going to list the ones that I can think of. Put them in order of the most distracting to least for you.

  1. The call of your comfy bed... and the promise of sleep
  2. Parents...
  3. Video Games
  4. Animals in the house that want attention
  5. Siblings that need help
  6. TV
  7. Social Media

Look at your number 1 answer in question 5. What steps can you take to minimize this distraction?


Look at your number 2 answer in question 5. What steps can you take to minimize this distraction?


Look at your number 3 answer in question 5. What steps can you take to minimize this distraction?


So sitting in one place all day is terrible. I know this, you do too. That being said... How likely are you to get up and move around during the online class day?


For real, based on your last answer...
If I give you break to get up and stretch (maybe even do some push-ups or squats) would you use it?


Ok... time for a few serious questions
Break can sometimes be stressful... and this last year has made things possibly worse.
Is there anything I can help you with? or anything you need me to know that might affect your performance in my class?


Power school grades are almost all correct. So start there with assignments.
Remember to fill out the Assignment Submission form in Teams if you completed an assignment that is already in Power School.
If your grade is low in my class what are you doing to bring it up?


Ok, let's end this on a positive note... Tell me one good thing... either about break, or class, or whatever.... You can include a picture or draw one if you like :)

When you are done with this make sure you hit sumbit.
Tomorrow we will continue looking at the Rise of Totalitarian Dictators and then move on to WW2.
Remember - attendance is taken during class... it is not enought to just login and do the work later.
Most of the work we do I go over in class, and we discuss. So there is no reason not to have 100 on each assignment.
Email me if you have any questions :)