China Culutre, Trade and Politics

By Amy C Gilstrap
Last updated over 3 years ago
23 Questions

Find a quote by Marco Polo about his travels. MAKE SURE IT IS ACTUALLY FROM HIM AND NOT ABOUT HIM.
You can either type the quote or use a saved image.

Why did Europeans not believe the stories told by Marco Polo?

Why do most people in China live on the east coast of China?

How does censorship help a government control their people?

The civil service exam was used to promote qualified people in government. How can people get jobs if they are not actually qualified for those jobs?

Why is monumental architecture important for a civilization?

Protects country from northern invaders
Imperial capitol, only the royal family and members of government allowed in
connects northern and southern regions of China through a man-made waterway

What long-term effect did the treatmenet of conquered people have on other ethnic groups?

In your own words give and example of the how the tribute system worked, or draw a picture of it.

How did Zheng He's fleet of ships compare to that of Columbus?

What explanation could be made for the differences between the sizes of their ships?

What is another word for porcelain?

Why did the Chinese keep the process of silk and porcelain production a secret?

Click all the terms or ideas that apply to the Silk Road.

What was one measure of status for Chinese women?

How could foot-binding be considered an indicator of social status?

Do you think these philosophies are the same as religions?

What did Confucius hope to acheive through his teachings?

Draw a picture or tell a short story showing the importance and interaction of 1 of the listed relationships.

Confucianism has been a part of Chinese culture for centuries. How do you think this influences the behavior of people?

Pick one of the sayings and explain what it means or give an example in your own words.

Look at the guidelines for Daoism. In your own words, summarize what it tell you to do?

Why do you thing there is a spot of dark in the light, and light in the dark?