Scientific Revolution

By Amy C Gilstrap
Last updated almost 4 years ago
20 Questions

Make a quick poster with a slogan opposing the new learning of the Scientific Revolution.

encouraged new ways of thinking and looking at the world
encouraged people to challenge authority
introduced people to new plants, animals and people and made them wonder about the world

What is one wive's tale or story that is not based in science that explains something in nature?

Why was medieval science based on superstition and relgious ideas?

Explain the geocentric theory.

Why did the Catholic Church hire astronomers in the Middle Ages?

Why would the Church have punished Copernicus for his writings?

All of these terms refer to the idea that the sun is the center of the universe.

Why is Kepler's relgion important in this time period?

Kepler proved that planets move in a circle.

Why was Galileo put under house arrest?

What concept was Newton able to describe?

What is the scientifc method used for?

Said you can learn by observing and experimenting
Said you learn through reason and logic

Why did the Church fear they would lose control over their people?

Church trial to determine if someone is guilty of going against the teachings of the Chruch.
People who go against the teachings of the Church
· One invented a microscopeto study creatures too small for the naked eye to see.
· Others invented tools for understanding weather.
· Doctors also made advances. One made drawings that showed the different parts of the human body. Another learned how the heart pumped blood through the body. In the late 1700s, Edward Jenner first used the process called vaccination to prevent disease. By giving a person the germs from a cattle disease called cowpox, he helped that person avoid getting the more serious human disease of smallpox. Scientists made advances in chemistry as well. One challenged the old idea that things were made of only four elements—earth, air, fire, and water. He and other scientists were able to separate oxygen from air.

Create a poster supporting the Scientific Revolution. Reference at least 3 people/ideas in your poster.

The Catholic Church wasn't the only religious group to be hostile to the changes of this time period. This is also the time of witch hunts. Throughout Europe people were put on trial for a variety of crimes that were classified as witchcraft. Follow the link and to see if you would have survived the trials.

At the start of the scenario did you

At any point did you confess to being a witch?

In the end what was your fate?