The Industrial Revolution (2021)

By Amy C Gilstrap
Last updated almost 4 years ago
37 Questions
includes natural resources, access to water for transportation, or a physical location to build a business
workers, skilled and unskilled
money to invest, but in a broad sense can also be time or labor invested
people willing to take a risk to start a business

Where did the Industrial Revolution start?

What are textiles?

machine that allowed one person to spin multiple strands of thread at one time.
machine that allowed one person to weave cloth faster

Why were the first factories built next to rivers?

Where did the first factories get their workers from?

first factory machine, spun a strong thick thread
first steam powered maching, made a fine, strong thread
steam powered loom, used to weave cloth

Why was the steam engine important?

How did steamboats change the transportation of goods?

Find a picture/article from an early (1800s) steamboat disaster.

How did railroads impact the sale of farm products like meat, fruits and vegatables?

How did railroads change the way people lived and worked?

Why did coal become such an important resource during the Industrial Revolution?

Find an old newstory of a coal mine accident (1800s).

Look up early industrial factory accidents. What types of injuries were common in this time?

Describe or find a picture of white lunch disease.

Describe or find a punishment for workers used in early factories.

Describe the trend of work hours shown in this chart from 1850 to present times.

Which group was paid more in the Under 16 age groups?

Why do you think women made more when they were younger?

Why do you think males made more in the 22-46 year age ranges?

Find a quote from Charles Dicken's that might be used to describe the pictures of city life during the Industrail Revolution.

Should employers provide housing for their workers?

Why do you think factory owners build tenements for their workers?

If you were a factory owner who provided housing for workers, what kind of rules would you make for the people living and working under you?

Draw a picture of middle class people and poorer people during the Industrial Revolution. Make sure we can tell the difference between them.

upstairs people - rich and living in luxury
downstairs people, poor, malnourished, miserable

Who is guarding the door in this picture?

Why were unions formed?

What is the purpose of a strike?

first European country to industrialize after Britain
mostly agricultrual, provided raw cotton for nothern factories
good access to waterways, had investors that built factories

Which country became a world industrial leader after its unification in the 1870s?

What was the goal of Japanese industrialization?

Why didn't Asian and African colonies industrialize in the 1800's?

  • New inventions and development of factories
  • Rapidly growing industry in the 1800s
  • Increased production and higher demand for raw materials
  • Growth of worldwide trade
  • Population explosion and expanding trade
  • Exploitation of mineral resources
  • Highly developed banking and investment system
  • Advances in transportation, agricullture and communication
  • Positive Economic Effect
  • Negative Economic Effect
  • Could be either
  • Increase in population of cities
  • Lack of city planning
  • Loss of family stability
  • Expansion of middle class
  • Harsh conditions for laborers, including children
  • Workers' progress versus laissez-faire economic attidudes
  • Improved standard of living
  • Creation of new jobs
  • Encouragment of technological progress
  • Postive Social Effects
  • Negative Social Effects
  • Could be either
  • Child labor laws to end abuses
  • Reformers urging equal distribution of wealth
  • Social reform movements, such as utilitarianism, utopianism, socialism and Marxism
  • Reform bills in Parliament and Congress
  • trade unions formed
  • Positive Political Effects
  • Negative Political Effects
  • Could be either