Holocaust and the formation of the United Nations

By Amy C Gilstrap
Last updated over 3 years ago
40 Questions

Define Zionism

What year was the Balfour Declaration written?

What did it propose?

What did the Nazi term "Final Solution" mean?

What types of restrictions were put on Jewish people starting with the Nuremberg Laws and continuing under the Nazis?

Find a picture of Kristallnacht

Jewish people were allowed to leave during the day, but had to be back in by curfew
Jews were not allowed to leave
confined area where Jewish people were forced to live by the Nazis

What happened in the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising?

Who were the first people sent to concentration camps?

Find one picture of the sleeping quarters in a concentration camp

How many extermination camps were built by the Nazis?

people were used as slave labor or killed
built to kill large groups of people

Explain how the Nazis got people into the gas chambers.

Find a picture of NAZI Stormtroopers (not Star Wars)

Who was involved in the destruction of the synagogue?

Why didn't the stormtroopers kill Michael?

How do you think Jewish people felt about the destruction of their place of worship?

What were some of the challenges faced by Anne Frank and her family?

Find a picture of Anne Frank and her family

Find a picture of the house where Anne Frank was hidden.

Why do you think Anne Frank kept a diary?

Spend some time looking around the annex. How would you have kept your sanity if you had to hide here with 7 other people?

What job were the strong men given?

What were the prisoners forced to do when they arrived?

What did the Germans use to disinfect the prisoners?

Show one picture of Auschwitz

What motto is displayed at Auschwitz?

Looking back at the steps that led to Hitler's Final Solution, is there anything that could have been done (by individuals, groups or other countries) to prevent this holocaust?

  • Created after WWI
  • Created after WWII
  • United States did not join
  • Had no military options
  • Divided into General Assembly, Security Council, Economic and Social Council, Secretariat, and Internation Court of Justice
  • Axis Powers withdrew from this organization
  • Aims to provide humanitarian aid to people around the world
  • League of Nations
  • United Nations

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights outlines

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights is the first ever

What is one problem with the Declaration?

Do you think every country agrees on the the definition of human rights? What could account for different ideas of human rights?

What should be done when a country is guilty of violating human rights?

The mission of the UN Security Council is to

Which of the following does the Security Council NOT do?

With regards to aggressive member nations, the Security Council can

How many members are there on the Security Council?

The permanent members of the Security Council have

Which of the following countries is NOT a permanent member of the Security Council?