Geometry 3-4 Guided Practice: Parallel and Perpendicular Lines

By Matt Richardson
Last updated over 2 years ago
8 Questions

Solve It! Jude and Jasmine leave school together to walk home. Then Jasmine cuts down a path from Schoolhouse Road to get to Oak Street and Jude cuts down another path to get to Court Road. What conjecture can you make about Oak Street and Court Road?


Explain. You may use the canvas to help illustrate your explanation.


Take Note: Summarize Theorem 3-8. You may use the canvas to help illustrate your description.

Take Note: Summarize Theorem 3-9. You may use the canvas to help illustrate your description.

Problem 1 Got It? Can you assemble the pieces to form a picture frame with opposite sides parallel?

Justify your reasoning on the canvas using text and/or illustrations.


Take Note: Summarize Theorem 3-10. You may use the canvas to help illustrate your description.

Problem 2 Got It? In Problem 2, could you also conclude a b?

Explain your reasoning on the canvas using text and/or illustrations.


Take Note: Summarize the mathematical content of this lesson. What topics, ideas, and vocabulary were introduced?