Open Up - Grade 8 - Mathematics - Unit 1 - Lesson 13

By Formative Library
Last updated about 3 years ago
7 Questions

Which of these four figures are congruent to the top figure?

These two figures are congruent, with corresponding points marked.
Are angles ABC and A1B1C1 congruent?

These two figures are congruent, with corresponding points marked.
Measure angles ABC and A1B1C1 to check your answer.

Here are two figures.
Show, using measurement, that these two figures are not congruent.

Each picture shows two polygons, one labeled Polygon A and one labeled Polygon B. Describe how to move Polygon A into the position of Polygon B using a transformation.

Each picture shows two polygons, one labeled Polygon A and one labeled Polygon B. Describe how to move Polygon A into the position of Polygon B using a transformation.

Each picture shows two polygons, one labeled Polygon A and one labeled Polygon B. Describe how to move Polygon A into the position of Polygon B using a transformation.

"Source: Open Up Resouces (Download for free at"