Open Up - Grade 8 - Mathematics - Unit 1 - Lesson 2

By Formative Library
Last updated about 3 years ago
5 Questions

Each of the six cards shows a shape.
Which pair of cards shows a shape and its image after a rotation?

Each of the six cards shows a shape.
Which pair of cards shows a shape and its image after a reflection?

The five frames show a shape's different positions.
Describe how the shape moves to get from its position in each frame to the next.

The five frames show a shape's different positions.
Describe how the shape moves to get from its position in each frame to the next.

The rectangle seen in Frame 1 is rotated to a new position, seen in Frame 2.
Select all the ways the rectangle could have been rotated to get from Frame 1 to Frame 2.

"Source: Open Up Resouces (Download for free at"