Open Up - Grade 7 - Mathematics - Unit 6 - Lesson 20

By Formative Library
Last updated about 3 years ago
6 Questions

Andre says that 10x + 6 and 5x + 11 are equivalent because they both equal 16 when is 1.

Do you agree with Andre?

Select all expressions that can be subtracted from 9x to result in the expression 3x + 5.

Select all the statements that are true for any value of x.

For each situation, would you describe it with x < 25, x> 25 , x\ge 25 , or x\le25 ?

x < 25
x > 25

Consider the problem: A water bucket is being filled with water from a water faucet at a constant rate. 
When will the bucket be full?

What information would you need to be able to solve the problem?

"Source: Open Up Resouces (Download for free at"